HiSET Prep

HiSET has a website of their own which is also a wealth of practice resources. Visit the site to view practice tests and more.

HISET Math Prep Materials

Calculator Guide (click to view)

Did you know you can do all fraction applications on the calculator?? What an amazing time-saver. I highly suggest that all HISET students review this calculator guide before moving forward with other prep material. The short-cuts and skills are essential elements of a successful HISET Math experience.

Class Code: DM6WM7WC

Khan Academy is an excellent resource for reviewing and learning new math skills. I have set up a class for those wanting to explore this option. You can login using your google account or a Facebook account. Once you are logged in I will be able to monitor and assign work that fits your specific needs.

HISET Writing Prep Materials

Writing the HiSET Essay

The Argumentative Essay

The Introductory Paragraph

The Body Paragraphs

The Counterclaim

Conclusion and Editing